Table Tennis: History, Rules, Equipment, Gameplay & Grips

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This game, also called ping-pong or whiff-whaff, is a fun racket sport. Instead of a big tennis court, it’s played on a special table. You hit a small ball back and forth using small rackets. It’s super fast and needs quick reflexes because the ball can spin and move in tricky ways. You have to focus and react fast to win!

Highest Governing BodyITTF
First Played19th century in England
Team MembersSingles | doubles
EquipmentRacket, Net, Ball & Table
OlympicSince 1988

People really like this game not just for competitions but also for fun. It’s great because you can play it inside, no matter the weather. It doesn’t matter how old you are or if you’re really good at it – everyone can have fun playing it all around the world.

Since 1988, this game has been in the Olympics and people are really good at it! There are competitions for both boys and girls playing alone, and also in teams since 2008. A group called ITTF makes sure everyone follows the rules. They have 226 groups all over the world to keep everything fair and fun for everyone.


A long time ago, around 100 years ago, people started making proper rules for this game. In England, they even made a special group for it in 1921! They decided to call it ‘Table-Tennis’ officially so that it’s different from other names like Ping-Pong.

In 1926, something really cool happened for this game! A special group called ITTF started. They made rules for everyone to follow, arranged big games with players from different countries, and made this game popular all over the world

This game has changed a lot over time! They made better balls and rackets to make the game more fun. It got so popular and exciting that they even put it in the Olympics in 1988, showing how famous it is all around the world!

Nowadays, this game isn’t just for competitions. Lots of people all over the world play it just for fun! It’s been around for a long time and people from different places really like it. It’s cool to see how it changed from a simple game to something big like the Olympics that people from everywhere love.

Rules of Table Tennis

  • Scoring System
    • In table tennis matches, players play in sets. Each set has 11 points, and you need to win by at least two points. Sometimes they play five sets or seven sets to see who wins
  • Service and Gameplay Techniques
    • In table tennis, when someone serves, they have to make the ball bounce on their side before it goes over the net. Players use different tricks like different ways of hitting the ball and making it spin to try to win against the other player.

Essential Equipment of Table Tennis

  • Table
    • A table tennis table is about 9 feet long, 5 feet wide, and stands 2.5 feet tall. It’s a special table made just for playing table tennis. There’s a net in the middle that divides the table for the game.
  • Rackets
    • The racket used in table tennis is very important for how someone plays. It has a special blade and rubber on it that can change how the ball moves. The way the racket is made can make a big difference in how well someone plays.
  • Balls
    • The balls used in table tennis are usually made of a special kind of plastic and are about 40mm wide. They’re made this way so they bounce and spin just right, which is really important for how the game is played.

Gameplay Dynamics

This game needs you to be quick and move fast. You need to be good at catching things with your eyes and hands. Players make plans to beat others by defending and attacking, changing how they play based on how the game goes.

Grips of Table Tennis

  • Shakehand Grip
    • This way of holding the racket is like when you shake hands with someone. It helps players control the racket better and do different kinds of shots in the game.
  • Penhold Grip
    • Some players hold the racket like they’re holding a pen. This way, they can move their wrist fast and make strong shots in the game.

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Who is number 1 Player in table tennis?

FAN Zhendong

What are the key differences between table-tennis and ping-pong?

This game and ping-pong are essentially the same sport with different names.

How many players are there in a table-tennis game?

You can play it by yourself (against one other player) or with a partner (two players on each team).

Is table-tennis an Olympic sport?

Yes, Since 1988.

What is the purpose of different grips in table-tennis?

Using different ways to hold the racket helps players have more control and move faster when hitting the ball.

Which Country is Best in Table-Tennis Game?


What are some advanced techniques in table-tennis?

Players use fancy moves like spins, powerful smashes, and putting the ball in tricky spots to play better.