Chandrayaan 3 Update: India’s Sojourn to the Lunar Realm

Chandrayaan 3 Update: The ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) has embarked on a grand journey with its Chandrayaan 3 mission aimed at a successful soft landing on the Moon. It’s now preparing for the historic moon landing, slated for August 23.

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The effort catapults India into an elite group, establishing. It as the fourth country globally to achieve the remarkable feat of a soft mission. Standing next to the moon landing, the United States, Russia and China.

The lander and rover have entered a dormant state, patiently awaiting their reawakening scheduled for 22 September, 2023

– ISRO update: 4 September , 2023

The onboard RAMBHA-LP instrument aboard Chandrayaan-3 is actively quantifying the near-surface plasma composition

ILSA attentively monitors the activity in the vicinity of the landing site, capturing any subtle movements and sounds

– ISRO update: 31 August , 2023

Mounted on the Ch-3 rover, the APXS instrument has identified the existence of trace elements in the lunar landscape

– ISRO update: 30 August , 2023

Through definitive in-situ measurements, LIBS conclusively establishes the presence of sulfur (S) on the lunar surface

– ISRO update: 28 August , 2023

The inaugural observations captured by the ChaSTE payload aboard the Vikram Lander mark a historic milestone in lunar exploration

– ISRO update: 27 August , 2023

Chandrayaan 3 Rover Embarks on its Lunar Descent from the Lander to Touch the Lunar Surface
Chandrayaan-3 Rover: Made in India, Made for the Moon! Coming off the lander, the CH-3 rover sets off on lunar exploration and unveils India’s lunar footprint. Stay tuned for further revelations!

– ISRO update: 24 August , 2023

Chandrayaan 3 : Soft Landing

(Video Credit : ISRO)

Chandrayaan-3 successfully landed on the Moon

– ISRO update: 23 August , 2023

Lander module navigates to 25 km x 134 km orbit, expects powered descent on Aug 23, 2023 at approx 1745 hrs IST

– ISRO update: 20 August , 2023

Lander Module Orbits the Moon at 113 km x 157 km, with Second De-boosting on the Horizon for August 20, 2023

– ISRO update: 19 August , 2023

Chandrayaan-3’s Orbit Set at 153 km x 163 km After August 16 2023 Firing

– ISRO update: 16 August , 2023

Just 163 kilometers away, Chandrayaan-3 is on the verge of a historic rendezvous with the Moon, ready to uncover its secrets and reveal its geological wonders.

To view the information about Chandrayaan 3 click here Chandrayaan 3 Mission


Where the Chandrayaan 2 spacecraft was launched?

22 July 2019,  Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota, India.

Where Chandrayaan 3 land on moon?

Chandrayaan 3 is poised for a precise landing in close proximity to the lunar south pole.

Has Chandrayaan-3 landed on the lunar surface?

Lunar landing date for Chandrayaan-3 is approximately August 23rd.

What tasks and activities does Chandrayaan-3 undertake after reaching the lunar surface?

The main goal is to gather data through scientific experiments to further understand the Moon’s composition.

Where will Chandrayaan-3 make its landing?

August 23,2023, Wednesday, Evening.

What is the budget of Chandrayaan 3?

Rs. 615 crore